Notification and Security Administration
This system allows customers and other interested parties to elect to receive, via email, selected proprietary information, critical and non-critical notices and other customer communications that are posted to Northern Natural Gas' website. The application will provide immediate notification of communications that may impact your business operations. Additionally, each customer has the ability to view its system access and security levels for all of Northern's business applications, including the Capacity Release System, Contract Management System, Flowing Gas, Invoicing, Imbalance Resolution and Throughput Management System.
Request Proprietary and Non-Proprietary Email Notification and Security Access
Upon request, Northern will provide the following email notifications and security access to any
Authorized user (an individual who has access to Northern’s proprietary applications)
- Bump Notifications -
- Shipper Scheduled Quantity Cut Notifications -
- Capacity Release Recall & Reput Notifications -
- Imbalance to Storage Notifications -
- Critical Notifications
- Non-Critical Notifications
- Northern Notes Newsletter
- Northern Daily Highlights
- Invoice Availability Notification
- Regulatory Notifications (Orders on Tariff Filings, Tariff Filings and Certificate Filings)
- View System Access and Security Levels
Request Proprietary and Request Non-Proprietary Email Notifications
Upon request, Northern will provide the following email notifications to any
Public user (an individual who does not have access to Northern’s proprietary applications)
- Critical Notifications
- Non-Critical Notifications
- Northern Notes Newsletter
- Northern Daily Highlights
- Invoice Availability Notification
- Regulatory Notifications (Orders on Tariff Filings, Tariff Filings and Certificate Filings)