Commodity Invoice – This report displays charges for the allocated volumes on a monthly basis. The report will be updated regularly with a preliminary view of current month production data, final commodity on-line invoicing will occur on the ninth business day of each accounting month.
Commodity Payment Remittance - This report summarizes all charges incurred during the current Commodity billing period. The report is available with Commodity invoicing on the ninth business day of each accounting month.
Delivery Point Variance Invoice - This report displays any delivery variance charges to a legal entity. The report will be updated regularly with a preliminary view of current month production data, with a final cumulative report available on the ninth business day of each accounting month.
Reservation Invoice - This report displays charges for the reservation of capacity and SMS. The report will be updated regularly with a preliminary view of current month production data, final Reservation on-line invoicing will occur on the first business day of each accounting month.
Receipt Point Variance Invoice – This report displays any receipt point variance charges to a legal entity. The report will be updated regularly with a preliminary view of current month production data, with a final cumulative report available on the ninth business day of each accounting month.
Reservation Payment Remittance – This report summarizes all charges incurred during the current Reservation billing period. The report is available with Reservation invoicing on the first business day of each accounting month.
Shipper Imbalance Cash Out Invoice – This report will display the shipper's transport imbalances. The report will be updated regularly with a preliminary view of current month production data, with a final Shipper Imbalance Cash In/Out on-line invoicing occurring on the ninth business day of each accounting month.