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Capacity / Operationally Available

Date Requested: Sep 20 2024 8:10 PM

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The Operationally Available Capacity posted is an estimate of the capacity which could be scheduled at or through the group or point in the indicated direction of flow for the Gas Day and cycle referenced. Due to the dynamic nature of the pipeline operations, these capacities are subject to change without notice. Accordingly, there are no guarantees expressed or implied that these capacities will be available. The Operating Capacity may be limited by group and/or point constraints or for the resolution of operational imbalances. Further, depending on the receipt and delivery point combinations nominated and scheduled, the Operating Capacity may be less than the design capacity and greater or less than the long-term sustainable capacity. Because of the grid nature of Northern's pipeline system, the operating conditions of the pipeline and the specific receipt and delivery points nominated and scheduled, Northern may schedule quantities that are greater than the Operating Capacity posted for the nomination cycle. 

Due to storage field operating considerations, the “Storage Injections/Withdrawals Nominations Group" may list Operating Capacity greater than or less than the contracted firm entitlement. However, in such instances, firm nominations will be scheduled regardless of the operating capacity posted, except in the instance of a force majeure or an outage. For more specific storage availability see Northern's Capacity > Storage.

Delivery point capacities for Market Area delivery points are based on an hourly flow rate of 16 hours per day, except as provided in the following “Hourly Points" document. Point capacities for Field Area points are based on a 24 hour flow rate. 

The Total Scheduled Quantity at group locations represents the quantity scheduled in the general direction of physical flows. The Total Scheduled Quantity may be greater than the posted Operating Capacity at the group location because the Operating Capacity represents the physical capacity for the group location and may not take into account all counter-flow scheduled quantities for the group. 

The IT Indicator will show Y (Yes) when quantities are scheduled on an MPS Agreement at a receipt point or through a receipt group even though interruptible service may not be scheduled.

Please contact your marketing representative in order to acquire any available capacity on the pipeline. Such capacity must be nominated in accordance with the scheduling provisions contained in Northern's FERC Gas Tariff. ​